# cat /usr/local/HotSaNIC/settings
# In this file all global settings for HotSaNIC are defined.
#                                                                   #
# First we set some important system globals...                     #
#                                                                   #
# Which type of operating system do you use ...
# Currently supported are:
# OSTYPE="Linux"
#   fully featured for any Linux system, based on Kernel 2.4.x
#   2.2.x based systems may encounter some incompatibilities
# OpenBSD
# FreeBSD
#   at the moment a lot of work has to be done to get the system
#   completely running under BSD based systems. Currently supported
#   are the following modules:
#     diskio     not tested
#     dnet       should work (it's just logfile-parsing)
#     networks   should work as long as IPTABLES is installed
#     part       ok.
#     ping       should work
#     sensors    not tested
#     system     not fully supported (working on it...)
#     traffic    ok.
#     worms      should work (it's just logfile-parsing)
#                                                                   #
# Then let's configure some pathes...                               #
#                                                                   #
# path to the HotSaNIC main-directory
# this has to be a directory !
#   DAEMONDIR="/home/daemon/HotSaNIC"
# path to the "rrdtool" binary
# this has to be a directory !
#   BINPATH="/usr/local/rrdtool-1.0.33/bin"
# path to the "convert" binary from ImageMagick package
# this has to be the full path to the binary !
#   CONVERTPATH="/usr/X11R6/bin/convert"
# set LOGDIR to the directory where logfiles shall be created
# path to the pid-file for the daemon
#   PIDFILE="$DAEMONDIR/log/rrdtimer.pid"
# if DIAGRGAMLOG is set to "all" then all diagrams will be logged.
# anything else will log only the last diagram.
# when logfiles reach LOGSIZE they will get rotated.
# LOGBACKUPS old logfiles will be kept as backups
#                                                                   #
# These settings affect the general module behaviour                #
#                                                                   #
# module-scan timebase (seconds)
# After this time the daemon re-scans for available modules.
# modules listed here (space separated) will be executed
# to use all availabe mods you may enter
# RUN="*"
RUN="sensors dnet part ping traffic networks diskio system worms"
#                                                                   #
# These settings affect the diagram generation                      #
#                                                                   #
# web-directory for all graphs
# this directory must be writeable for the rrdgraph tool
# because each plugin will create its own subdir here.
# Sizes of all output-graphics in pixels
# the output-format of the generated images may be either "gif" or "png"
# modules listed here (space separated) will be shown on webpage
# to use all availabe mods you may enter
# SHOW="*"
SHOW="sensors dnet part ping traffic networks diskio system worms"
# in which order shall the modules appear on the webpage
# unlisted mods will be added in alphabetical order
ORDER="traffic system part ping dnet sensors"
# diagram-rebuild timebase (minutes).
# Usually 15 min. should do fine, but if you think your system
# is too busy, just increase the timebase as you like.
# Values up to about 45 make sense since the lowest-scale graph
# covers 60 minutes of data sampled.
# diagram-convert timebase (hours)
# After this time the weekly diagrams are being converted to
# the smaller pictures on the main page.
# refresh time for graphs
# The browser automatically reloads the detailed statistics after
# this timespan.
# If you want to disable the auto-refresh, just set the variable to 0