

タレック・アミン(Tareq Amin)氏が8月7日、楽天モバイルの共同CEO(最高経営責任者)、Rakuten Sympony(楽天シンフォニー)のCEO、楽天グループの副社長を退任した。アミン氏は楽天モバイルの仮想化技術をけん引してきた人物だ。アミン氏はビジネス向けのSNS「LinkedIn(リンクトイン)」で在籍時に成し遂げたことなどをつづった。

 既報の通り、タレック・アミン(Tareq Amin)氏が8月7日、楽天モバイルの共同CEO(最高経営責任者)、Rakuten Sympony(楽天シンフォニー)のCEO、楽天グループの副社長を退任した。

タレック・アミン(Tareq Amin)氏





 楽天グループの三木谷浩史会長兼社長がアミン氏と初めて出会ったのは、2018年にスペイン・バルセロナにて開催されたテクノロジーの見本市「MWC(Mobile World Congress)」。その後、三木谷氏がアミン氏を誘ったことをきっかけに、アミン氏は2018年に楽天モバイルに入社。「携帯電話業界のアポロ計画」に関わることになった。




Today, my heart brimming with gratitude and my spirit ignited with excitement for the future. After considerable reflection and deliberation, I have made the decision to step down from my role at Rakuten. This decision, while not easy, is one I believe to be right one,

I have always pursued my passions and lived my dreams. In any role I have taken, I have put my heart and soul into achieving business goals and objectives. This does not come without hard work and sacrifices. And now, as I embark on this new phase, I am eager to channel my energy and attention towards creating cherished moments and nurturing bonds that matter most in life - my children.

During my time at Rakuten, I am proud to have been part of a team that has disrupted the industry and left a lasting impact on the world. We have challenged the status quo and pioneered new approaches that have transformed the way telecom Networks are build, architected and operated . This disruption has not only shaped the industry but has also brought positive change to the lives of many.

As I prepare to embark on a new chapter, I carry the learnings and experiences gained at Rakuten with me. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and the chance to make a difference in the world once again.

Thank you, Rakuten leadership, for your unwavering support. Thank you, Rakuten employees, for your dedication and collaboration. Together, we have achieved great things, and I am proud to have been part of this incredible journey.

I look forward to staying connected with each one of you as I embrace new challenges and continue to strive for innovation and disruption in the industry.

Wishing you all continued success and fulfillment in your own professional endeavors.

Warm regards,

Tareq Amin


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